Data-driven frontline impact


Toha Science is an independent science agency for social and environmental impact. We identify and facilitate vital research that proves and improves impact.

Decisions that change the world start with good data. Toha Science shares our parent company’s mission to put finance and cutting-edge science in the hands of those at the frontline of efforts to cool the planet. 

Toha is a market engine for climate and environmental impact. Data fuels this engine. There is a pressing need for independent, high-quality science that supports good investment decisions – proof of measurable impact, verifiable through data. Toha Science has been set up to bridge this gap.  


Verifiable impact

Ensuring actions and impact are verified.

Sharing knowledge

Ensuring that a market has a robust understanding of what actions are likely to lead to impact and the magnitude of that impact.


Facilitating the discovery of actions that lead to impact and quantifying this impact.


By measuring environmental action with high quality data we can prove and track its impact, providing measurable outcomes for investors and building a valuable data asset that over time will build tradeable value on the Toha network. And in doing so we enable impact investment to be unleashed at scale.

We’re committed to driving impact where it will have the greatest effect. As a science agency, our priority is to investigate the most urgent questions at speed, while still undertaking the proven processes of peer review in the long term. To coordinate the independent science needed to accelerate the regenerative transition, we will establish Toha Science as a not-for-profit trust.